Friday 27 April 2012

Skip Counting

 Hello Grade 2s! Don't forget about our skip counting math quiz coming up next Friday! To help you review for the quiz, you can practice skip counting online right here!  
Here are some fun games to help you practice your skip counting as well:

Have fun :)

Growing Patterns in Math

Grade 2s, today we started learning about growing patterns in our math lesson today.  I hope you had fun looking at all the different growing patterns we created in class with the wallpaper and money! When you are at home, look for growing patterns around your house and you can share what kinds of patterns you saw at home in math class this week.  For more practice with growing patterns in math, click here! 

Thursday 26 April 2012

The Water Cycle

April showers bring May flowers! Grade 2s, I am sure most of you have noticed that it has been raining outside more often and that flowers are starting to bloom outside.  After we finish our Butterfly Life Cycle science unit, we are going to start learning about The Water Cycle! When we start learning about the water cycle, you will find out why and how it rains!

Get ready for Spring! Don't forget to bring your raincoat and rain boots to stay dry during recess at school when it is raining!  To learn more about each stage of the water cycle, click here!

Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Butterfly Conservatory!

I hope you are all enjoying our science unit on Understanding Animal Systems with our focus on life cycles! Our class trip to The Butterfly Conservatory is coming up and I am very excited to share this experience with all of you.  You will be able to see the butterfly life cycle up close and all of the different stages involved.  If you would like more attention from the butterflies when we visit, remember to wear white or brightly coloured clothing to catch their eye!

We will be leaving in the morning on May 17 and coming back in time for lunch.  Make sure you have a big breakfast because we will be missing our morning snack.  Don't forget to practice the butterfly life cycle at home before we go on our trip!

Important Dates in May!


May 3 - Spring Craft Day (bring in your art smocks!)

May 6 - Grade 2 First Holy Communion at St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church

May 9 - Plant a Seed in Science Class (bring your green thumbs!)

May 13 - Mother's Day

May 17 - Class trip to The Butterfly Conservatory (permission slips and money due May 10)

May 21 - Victoria Day (no school)

May 23 - Grade 2 Mathlete Tournament in afternoon (review math concepts we've been covering in class!)

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Welcome students, parents, and guardians to our online EduBlog!  Here we can stay in touch outside of the classroom and bring our learning experiences online.   Students and families can visit this page often to find out about upcoming events, news in our school and classroom as well as play fun and educational games online during your free time!  Think of this page as my online classroom so we can all stay connected :)

"The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
- Dr. Seuss